1. Create Account
- Click on Join Now
- Enter your email address
- Click on Send Verification Code
- Check you email Inbox/Junk for sent mail from noreply@debi.gov.eg
- Open the mail, Click on the sent link
- Enter password, confirm password
- Click Create
2. Register for the Initiative
- Fill in all your Personal Information and upload relevant files
- Click Save
- Click on Education tab
- Go to required data and click Add
- Repeat for all relevant Education
- Go to English Proficiency tab
- Fill in required info
- Click Save
- Repeat for all relevant English Proficiency
- Go to Enrollment Details tab
- Pick course from drop down
- Click Save
- Repeat the process and add tracks in the order of your preference
- Go to Attachments tab
- Upload required documents
- Click Save
- After filling all your information and once you are ready to submit
- Go to Student Policy
- Check the " I accept terms and conditions" checkbox
- Click Submit